Hi everybody my name is Jayla I am from Newark, New Jersey and I am 20 years old and will be turning 21 in November. I study communications media and film because I want to become active within things such as radio and television. I want to be hands on Behind and in front of the camera and have a career I enjoy. Fun fact about me is I was born a twin. |  Hi, I'm Alexis I am the host of "Worlds Of Worlds Of House" and I am currently a junior majoring in Communications Media & Film. I've been a huge fan of all the genres of music for years and would love to introduce Kean to the Worlds Of House! |  I'm Riv and I am a sophomore majoring in Theatre at Kean University. I love Greek Mythology, tea, and a nice impulsive hair change. I overuses the word "Sick" and can just barely pull off the Russian dance trick thing from Rasputin. I am accompanied by the fabulous Tori to present to you "A Podcast Without A Porpoise"-the podcast that's only purpose is to amuse the creators with a meaningless porpoise pun. |